listunagg function?

As @be here now has already noted in the comment Oracle doesn't provide such a function. So as a quick workaround you could write similar query:

with t1(user_id, degree_fi, degree_en, degree_sv) as
  select 3601464, '3700', '1600', '2200' from dual union all
  select 1020   , '100' , '0'   , '0'    from dual union all
  select 3600520, '100,3200,400', '1300, 800, 3000', '1400, 600, 1500'  from dual union all
  select 3600882, '0',    '100',  '200'  from dual
Occurence(ocr) as(
  select Level as ocr
    from (select max(greatest(regexp_count(degree_fi, '[^,]+')
                             , regexp_count(degree_en, '[^,]+')
                             , regexp_count(degree_sv, '[^,]+')
                    ) mx
            from t1    
    connect by level <= mx
select *
  from (
select User_id
     , regexp_substr(degree_fi, '[^,]+', 1, o.ocr) as degree_fi
     , regexp_substr(degree_en, '[^,]+', 1, o.ocr) as degree_en
     , regexp_substr(degree_sv, '[^,]+', 1, o.ocr) as degree_sv
   from t1 t
  cross join Occurence o
where degree_fi is not null
  or degree_en is not null 
  or degree_sv is not null


User_Id   Degree_Fi  Degree_En  Degree_Sv
3601464   3700       1600       2200 
1020      100        0          0 
3600520   100        1300       1400 
3600882   0          100        200 
3600520   3200       800        600 
3600520   400        3000       1500