LiveData with multiple arguments
Based on my previous answer, I created a generic way where we can add as many live datas as we want.
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.MediatorLiveData
* CombinedLiveData is a helper class to combine results from multiple LiveData sources.
* @param liveDatas Variable number of LiveData arguments.
* @param combine Function reference that will be used to combine all LiveData data.
* @param R The type of data returned after combining all LiveData data.
* Usage:
* CombinedLiveData<SomeType>(
* getLiveData1(),
* getLiveData2(),
* ... ,
* getLiveDataN()
* ) { datas: List<Any?> ->
* // Use datas[0], datas[1], ..., datas[N] to return a SomeType value
* }
class CombinedLiveData<R>(vararg liveDatas: LiveData<*>,
private val combine: (datas: List<Any?>) -> R) : MediatorLiveData<R>() {
private val datas: MutableList<Any?> = MutableList(liveDatas.size) { null }
init {
for(i in liveDatas.indices){
super.addSource(liveDatas[i]) {
datas[i] = it
value = combine(datas)
At the end I used MediatorLiveData to achieve the same objective.
fun mapBasketTotal(source1: LiveData<List<Item>>, source2: LiveData<ShipPrice>): LiveData<String> {
val result = MediatorLiveData<String>()
uiThread {
var subtotal: Int = 0
var shipPrice: Int = 0
fun sumAndFormat(){ result.value = format(subtotal + shipPrice)}
result.addSource(source1, { items ->
if (items != null) {
subtotal = getSubtotalPrice(items)
result.addSource(source2, { price ->
if (price != null) {
shipPrice = price
return result
I come up with another solution.
class PairLiveData<A, B>(first: LiveData<A>, second: LiveData<B>) : MediatorLiveData<Pair<A?, B?>>() {
init {
addSource(first) { value = it to second.value }
addSource(second) { value = first.value to it }
class TripleLiveData<A, B, C>(first: LiveData<A>, second: LiveData<B>, third: LiveData<C>) : MediatorLiveData<Triple<A?, B?, C?>>() {
init {
addSource(first) { value = Triple(it, second.value, third.value) }
addSource(second) { value = Triple(first.value, it, third.value) }
addSource(third) { value = Triple(first.value, second.value, it) }
fun <A, B> LiveData<A>.combine(other: LiveData<B>): PairLiveData<A, B> {
return PairLiveData(this, other)
fun <A, B, C> LiveData<A>.combine(second: LiveData<B>, third: LiveData<C>): TripleLiveData<A, B, C> {
return TripleLiveData(this, second, third)
Then, you can combine multiple source.
val totalLiveData = {
// Do your stuff
If you want to have 4 or more sources, you need to create you own data class because Kotlin only has Pair
and Triple
In my opinion, there is no reason to run with uiThread
in Damia's solution.
You can use switchMap() for such case, because it returns LiveData object which can be
In below code I am getting sum of final amount of two objects onwardSelectQuote and returnSelectQuote
finalAmount = Transformations.switchMap(onwardSelectQuote) { data1 -> { data2 -> ViewUtils.formatRupee((data1.finalAmount!!.toFloat() + data2.finalAmount!!.toFloat()).toString())