;;lk; code example
Example: ;;lk;
---Pool Provider--- --------LP-------- --Reward Tokens-- --INFO--
Synthetix Curve sUSD SNX, CRV
Synthetix Synthetix iETH SNX
Synthetix Synthetix iBTC SNX
Synthetix + Ren Curve sBTC SNX, REN, BAL, CRV
yearn.finance yearn.finance governance yCRV
mStable Balancer mUSD-USDC MTA, BAL
mStable Balancer mUSD-WETH MTA, BAL
mStable Balancer mUSD-MTA 20-80 MTA, BAL
mStable Balancer mUSD-MTA 95-5 MTA, BAL
mStable Uniswap MTA-WETH MTA
UMA Project Balancer yUSD-USDC UMA, BAL
yfii.finance Curve yCRV YFII, CRV
yfii.finance Balancer YFII-DAI YFII, BAL?
cream.finance Uniswap CREAM-ETH CREAM
cream.finance Balancer CREAM-ETH CREAM
--- Governance --- --------INFO--------
yearn.finance yearn proposal voting
----- Vaults ----- --------INFO--------
yearn.finance yearn vaults Supports yCRV, DAI, USDT, TUSD, USDC, aLINK
@zapper_fi - dashboard for all of the farming and #DeFi (Recommended for beginners)
@zerion_io - my 2nd goto for defi dashboard. Also has easy transactions export to csv for tax purposes via TokenTax.
@DeBankDeFi - all-in-1 DeFi wallet
@TokenTax - the easiest way to file your cryptocurrency and DeFi tax returns.
DeX (Decentralized Exchanges) & Aggregators:
@matchaxyz - Robinhood of crypto trading. It just works. (Recommended for beginners)
@1inchExchange - gives most optimal trades between tokens via 400 IQ AI
@DEXAG_TokenWire - optimizes trades by splitting between AMM
Yield Farming:
@AaveAave - farm APY while waiting for new token economy
@BalancerLabs - farm $BAL by staking your tokens into Balancer pools
@CurveFinance - farm stablecoin APY, Pool Tokens, $SNX, $CRV, $YFI
@synthetix_io - farm SNX, mint sUSD, stake SNX, stake Curve or Balancer LP tokens
@compoundfinance - farm $COMP by lending and borrowing
@iearnfinance - farm $YFI with andre cronje's crazy pumpementals
@renprotocol - open protocol that enables the permissionless and private transfer of value between any blockchain
@DefiantNews - The DeFi news platform - perfect for article lovers. They also have a youtube channel.
@sassal0x - Founder of TheDailyGwei, a daily news about Ethereum and DeFi ecosystem. Great for catching up with latest news.
@defiprime - catch latest news on DeFi world in bite sized tweets
@BanklessHQ - the ultimate guide to crypto finance
@DeFiRate - a trusted resource for all things #DeFi
@DeFi_Dad - a super user creating tutorials on DeFi (Recommended for beginners)
DeFi Pulse Farmer - a substack newsletter by DeFi Pulse
1000 IQ club:
@ChainLinkGod - "few understand this"
@DegenSpartan - galaxy brain takes on DeFi with hentai memes
@devops199fan - super active DeFi farmer - always rts the spiciest dramas
@CL207 - his bags create sell side liquidity crsis
@Cooopahtroopa - Editor of @defirate and a contributor to @DefiantNews
Special Thanks:
@kaiynne Thanks for funding the project!
@econoar Thanks for funding the project!
README on GitHub
Donation: https://gitcoin.co/grants/1005/yieldfarminginfo