Lock mysql table with php

If you do not want others to access that table then use


Other script will not return error but will wait until lock is released.

Hope it helps...

You are read locking the table with $query_ = "lock tables test1 as test11 read";- which means that other queries can still read it without any problems what-so-ever (Relevant link - scroll down to the section on lock types):

Info on the read lock type:

  • The session that holds the lock can read the table (but not write it).
  • Multiple sessions can acquire a READ lock for the table at the same time.
  • Other sessions can read the table without explicitly acquiring a READ lock.

If you want to stop anything else so much as reding the table, you need to use a write lock as follows:

$query_ = "lock tables test1 as test11 write";

You have to grant the rights of lock tables to the db user.



