Logstash grok filter - name fields dynamically
Logstash Ruby Plugin can help you. :)
Here is the configuration:
input {
stdin {}
filter {
ruby {
code => "
fieldArray = event['message'].split('] [')
for field in fieldArray
field = field.delete '['
field = field.delete ']'
result = field.split(': ')
event[result[0]] = result[1]
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
With your logs:
[field1: content1] [field2: content2] [field3: content3]
This is the output:
"message" => "[field1: content1] [field2: content2] [field3: content3]",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2014-07-07T08:49:28.543Z",
"host" => "abc",
"field1" => "content1",
"field2" => "content2",
"field3" => "content3"
I have try with 4 fields, it also works.
Please note that the event
in the ruby code is logstash event. You can use it to get all your event field such as message, @timestamp
Enjoy it!!!
I found another way using regex:
ruby {
code => "
fields = event['message'].scan(/(?<=\[)\w+: .*?(?=\](?: |$))/)
for field in fields
field = field.split(': ')
event[field[0]] = field[1]