Long equals in tikz
You can use double equal sign distance
in your \draw
options to set the distance between the double lines to match that of an equal sign.
The double lines work with any path specification, including things like bend left
or to [out=45]
\draw [double equal sign distance] (0,0) to [out=45, in=180] (3,0) node [anchor=mid west] {$= A$};
The great tikz-cd
package (tikz-cd, manual) includes the option equal
for arrows.
\tikzset{commutative diagrams/.cd,arrow style=tikz,diagrams={>=latex'}}
\begin{tikzcd}[swap,bend angle=45]
A \dar{f} \rar{a} \ar[bend left,equal]{rr}
& X \dar{g} \rar{r}
& A \dar[swap]{f} \\
B \rar[swap]{i} \ar[bend right,equal]{rr}
& Y \rar[swap]{\beta}
& B