Long URL extends into margin - it breaks at underscore, but too late

enter image description here

\RequirePackage[bookmarks, bookmarksopen=true, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, pdfpagelayout=SinglePage, breaklinks = true]{hyperref}

\chapter{Troubleshooting long URLs}

\section{Test 1}    
A complete list of participants and presentations can be found on the conference web site: \href
{\texttt{http://ruraro.rintint.edu/events/ship\linebreak shops/index.php/Perplexity\string_and\string_Action\string_-\string_an\string_Interdisciplina\linebreak ry\string_Approach\string_to\string_Rationale\string_Synchro\string_Theory}}


Put the url on a separate paragraph and use a \parbox. It also works within a list:

\RequirePackage[bookmarks, bookmarksopen=true, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, pdfpagelayout=SinglePage, breaklinks = true]{hyperref}


\chapter{Troubleshooting long URLs}

\section{Test 1}
A complete list of participants and presentations can be found on the conference web site: \medskip


\begin{itemize}[leftmargin = 1.6\parindent, before = \bigskip]



enter image description here