Looking for ideas how to refactor my algorithm
It should not be difficult to write your algorithm to search all of the cells within the reach distance of a particular cell C
. Each cell that has an inhabitant would have a particular force of repulsion on cell C
. This force of repulsion is based on the distance from the cell to cell C
. In the example that you have given, that force of repulsion is based upon the L-1 distance and is 2^(reach-distance)
. Each repulsion force is then added together to create a cumulative force that dictates the direction in which to move the inhabitant in cell C
You do not need to write an algorithm for each different reach. The magnitude of the force can be determined via a simple formula. If you change that formula to something else such as a Fibonacci number, you should still be able to calculate the magnitude as needed based upon the distance and the reach.
Here is some rough code written in pseudo-Java showing the basic ideas: http://codepad.org/K6zxnOAx
enum Direction {Left, Right, Up, Down, None};
Direction push(boolean board[][], int testX, int testY, int reach)
int xWeight = 0;
int yWeight = 0;
for (int xDist=-reach; xDist<=+reach; ++xDist)
for (int yDist=-reach; yDist<=+reach; ++yDist)
int normDist = abs(xDist) + abs(yDist);
if (0<normDist && normDist<reach)
int x = testX + xDist;
int y = testY + yDist;
if (0<=x && x<board.length && 0<=y && y<board[0].length)
if (board[x][y])
int force = getForceMagnitude(reach, normDist);
xWeight += sign(xDist) * force;
yWeight += sign(yDist) * force;
if (xWeight==0 && yWeight==0) return Direction.None;
if (abs(xWeight) > abs(yWeight))
return xWeight<0 ? Direction.Left : Direction.Right;
return yWeight<0 ? Direction.Up : Direction.Down;
int getForceMagnitude(int reach, int distance)
return 1<<(reach-distance);