Loop through a string with jQuery/javascript

To loop through the characters in a string you would do this:

var s = '123456';
for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
  // `s.charAt(i)` gets the character
  // you may want to do a some jQuery thing here, like $('<img...>')
  document.write( '<img src="' + s.charAt(i) + '.png" />' );

I love jQuery.map for stuff like this. Just map (ie convert) each number to a snippet of html:

var images = jQuery.map((1234567 + '').split(''), function(n) {
  return '<img src="' + n + '.png" />'

images[0]; // <img src="1.png" />
images[1]; // <img src="2.png" />
images[2]; // <img src="3.png" />
// etc...

which you can then join('') and jam into the DOM in one swift punch:


And bob's your uncle.