Magento 1.9, php 5.6 - Use of iconv.internal_encoding is deprecated
You can use the following patch:
- 0001-BUGIFX-Magento-Zend-Framework-1-PHP5.6.patch
It is from the full Github-Gist:
Bugfix for Zend Framework 1 in Magento (>= 1.7..) + PHP 5.6
I don't think you are supposed to use Magento with php 5.6 yet.
I assume there will be an official statement when Magento will support php 5.6 and an offical patch if necessary.
You need to change lib/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php
and replace the internal_encoding
related calls with ini_get('default_encoding')
and all the other occurences in the Zend framework also...