Magento 2.1 : CLI install command failed

If you are trying to install it over the same installation please try to uninstall it first. As seen on magento official docs:

/magento_root/bin/magento setup:uninstall

Then run your command again.

If this fails again then drop your database and re-run your commands as @Amit Bera already said.

Deleting /app/etc/env.php fixes the problem. It will be regenerated by the bin/magento setup:install command.

I found out the reason of this error. Some extensions add custom CLI commands. Check di.xml for:


The problem is these commands include classes that require data in tables. But you didn't install the system. For example, if you try to include Magento\Framework\Stdlib\DateTime\TimezoneInterface in your command class you will get error like:

Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'magento.store_website' doesn't exist, query was: SELECT `store_website`.* FROM `store_website` - skipping database cleanup

Try to remove custom extensions before an installation.

P.S. Tested on Magento 2.3.1.