Magento 2 events list

I put together a list of Magento 2 events using

find . -type f -exec grep -n -H -A 2 -T "eventManager->dispatch(" {} \;

The list is divided in 2 parts, one for static events and one for dynamics.

From here, static events are all those events defined with full event name like:


Dynamic events are all those events defined with dynamically, at runtime, fetched event name like:

$this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_load_before', $params);

The list is in a spreadsheet for a better reading. I left 2 lines after the match for a better understanding of the event context.

The same list can be found searching in the official Magento 2 repo for _eventManager->dispatch

Obviously, not a good practice, but i am providing one link which has complied the important events in Magento2

Ofcourse the events list is incomplete, as if you have worked with Magento 1.x, the events dispatch logic is retained

  1. lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Model/AbstractModel.php Load before and after events of a model

    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_load_before', $params);
    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_load_after', $params);

    Save before and after events of a model object

    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_save_before', $this->_getEventData());
    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_save_after', $this->_getEventData());

    Deleting a object

    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_delete_before', $this->_getEventData());
    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_delete_after', $this->_getEventData());

    Clearing an object

    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_clear', $this->_getEventData());
  2. Controller dispatch


        'controller_action_predispatch_' . $request->getFullActionName(),
    eg // controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_index
        'controller_action_postdispatch_' . $request->getFullActionName(),
    eg // controller_action_postdispatch_checkout_cart_index
  3. Frontend layout render events

        'controller_action_layout_render_before_' . $this->_request->getFullActionName()
  4. Collections of Models


    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_load_before', [$this->_eventObject => $this]);
    $this->_eventManager->dispatch($this->_eventPrefix . '_load_after', [$this->_eventObject => $this]);

There are many such events, and it is a combination of explicitly and implicitly generated events in Magento2