Magento 2 : Newsletter Subscription Event

Fernando Miguel's answer doesn't work, change




After that, you'll be able to get the subscriber ID. Or even get the email using


All these functions are available too:

 int getStoreId()
 $this setStoreId(int $value)
 string getChangeStatusAt()
 $this setChangeStatusAt(string $value)
 int getCustomerId()
 $this setCustomerId(int $value)
 string getSubscriberEmail()
 $this setSubscriberEmail(string $value)
 int getSubscriberStatus()
 $this setSubscriberStatus(int $value)
 string getSubscriberConfirmCode()
 $this setSubscriberConfirmCode(string $value)
 int getSubscriberId()
 Subscriber setSubscriberId(int $value)

You can use the predispatch/postdispatch events triggerred by the controller action class. In your case:

  • controller_action_predispatch_newsletter_manage_save to observe a behavior BEFORE the save method is called.
  • controller_action_postdispatch_newsletter_manage_save to observer a behavior AFTER the save method is called.