Magento2: Load Model Data By Another Field

You need to use collections for that:

$messages = $objectManager->create('Custom\Module\Model\ResourceModel\Messages\Collection')->addFieldToFilter('posts_id', $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'));

This is assuming you have created a collection resource model for your Messages entity.

NB: please try to avoid using the Object Manager directly

Instead you can inject the collection class in your constructor:

protected $_messagesCollection;

public function __construct(
    \Custom\Module\Model\ResourceModel\Messages\Collection $messagesCollection,
    $this->_messagesCollection = $messagesCollection;

And then you can use your variable directly in your code:

$messages = $this->_messagesCollection->addFieldToFilter('posts_id', $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'));

You don't need to use collection for that.

Just call the load function, with a second parameter, the field.

Inject the factory in the construct where you need to retrieve your model

protected $messagesFactory;

public function __construct(\Custom\Module\Model\MessagesFactory $messagesFactory){
    $this->_messagesFactory = $messagesFactory;

And then, where you want it :

$messages_model = $this->_messagesFactory->create();
    echo "not found";