Make a border around a circled image

You can use a circle outside of the clipped scope. If the line interferes with your picture you might want to increase the radius a bit (the second part of the draw circle command).


        \clip [rounded corners=.6cm] (0,0) rectangle coordinate (centerpoint) (1.2,1.2cm);
        \node [inner sep=0pt] at (centerpoint) {\includegraphics[width=1.2cm, height=1.2cm]{example-image-b}};
      \draw[red] (.6cm,.6cm) circle (.6cm);

I intentionally provide you with a more general solution because a circle can easily be obtained from an ellipse. This solution is written with PSTricks and must be compiled with either xelatex or latex-dvips-ps2pdf sequence.


enter image description here

The skins option of tcolorbox simplify a lot this task:


  \node[circle,draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5cm, 
        fill overzoom image=example-image]{};

