Makefile:1: *** missing separator. Stop

It's a tabs problem. Some text editors may replace tabs with white spaces, make sure you use a proper text editor that doesn't mess it up. Open your makefile in vi or any other rudimentary editor, and rewrite that makefile.

Note that after each target rule, one single tab must be placed in the beginning of the line. Everything that comes after that tab is passed on to the shell (there can be more tabs, spaces, and whatever you want, but keep in mind that there must be a tab in the beginning of the line).

can you try running -

perl -pi -e 's/^  */\t/' Makefile

(after saving a backup of course)

make is very sensitive on the way rules and targets are indented. The error you post is usually caused by indenting the rule of a target with spaces instead of a single tab.

for example:

    do stuff

will error, but

<tab>do stuff

will not.


