Manual Trigger on Azure Pipelines Stages (YAML)

You can specify which stage you want to run.

When you click "Run pipeline", click on "Stages to run":

enter image description here

Now choose which staged will run:

enter image description here

you can set the trigger to none to disable CI and only trigger it manual

trigger: none

Manual stages in yaml pipeline is not available currently. This feature request has been submitted to Microsoft. You can go and vote it up or submit a new one.

There are workarounds to achieve this.

You can move your staging and production stages to Classic Web UI Release Pipeline. Manually trigger a stage is available in Web UI Release pipeline. Please check here for more information.

enter image description here

Another way to achieve this is to separate your yaml pipeline into two yaml pipelines(stage pipeline and production pipeline). And disable CI build for production pipeline( in the pipeline edit page, click on the 3dots on the top right corner and choose triggers. Please refer to below pics).

enter image description here

enter image description here

So that you can manually run production pipeline after Developer done with their tests.

I think there's a better way. You can add a pipeline variable which can can be overridden when starting the pipeline.

You have to add a new variable to your pipeline and chose 'Let users override this value when running this pipeline'.

enter image description here

In your pipeline add a condition to your stage such as:

condition: and(succeeded(), or(eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'), eq(variables['DEPLOY_PROD'], 'true')))

Now whenever you want a build to deploy to Production you start the build and then override the variable from here:

enter image description here

Set the value to 'true' and your build will trigger the stage you want.