Map network drive programmatically in C# on Windows 10

Resting my laptop seemed to fix whatever problem windows had. All three approaches below are working like a charm. My favorite one is of course the C# "only" approach.

// Approach 1
Utility.NetworkDrive.MapNetworkDrive("R", @"\\unc\path");
var dirs1 = Directory.GetDirectories("R:");
Utility.NetworkDrive.DisconnectNetworkDrive("R", true);

// Approach 2
DoProcess("net", @"use R: \\unc\path");
var dirs2 = Directory.GetDirectories("R:");
DoProcess("net", "use /D R:");

// Approach 3
DoProcess("cmd", @"/c C:\local\path\to\batch\connect.cmd");
var dirs3 = Directory.GetDirectories("R:");
DoProcess("cmd", @"/c C:\local\path\to\batch\diconnect.cmd");

public static string DoProcess(string cmd, string argv)
    Process p = new Process();
    p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    p.StartInfo.FileName = cmd;
    p.StartInfo.Arguments = $" {argv}";
    p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
    string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

    return output;