MapStruct: map nested object properties to properties

Now, with version 1.4 and above of mapstruct you can do this:

@Mapping(target = ".", source = "person")
PersonDTO personBLOToPersonDTO(PersonBLO personBLO);

It will try to map all the fields of person to the current target.

Using wildcards is currently not possible.

What you can do though is to provide a custom method that would just invoke the correct one. For example:

public interface MyMapper {

default PersonDTO personBLOToPersonDTO(PersonBLO personBLO) {
    if (personBLO == null) {
        return null;
    PersonDTO dto = personToPersonDTO(personBlo.getPerson());
    // the rest of the mapping

    return dto;

PersonDTO personToPersonDTO(PersonBLO source);



