Match any character (including newlines) in sed

Sed reads the input line by line, so it is not simple to do processing over one line... but it is not impossible either, you need to make use of sed branching. The following will work, I have commented it to explain what is going on (not the most readable syntax!):

sed "# if the line matches 'style='', then branch to label, 
     # otherwise process next line
     /style='/b style
     # the line contains 'style', try to do a replace
     : style
     s/ style='[^']*'//
     # if the replace worked, then process next line
     # otherwise append the next line to the pattern space and try again.
     b style
 " fileA > fileB

sed goes over the input file line by line which means, as I understand, what you want is not possible in sed.

You could use the following Perl script (untested), though:


use strict;
use warnings;

    local $/; # slurp mode
    my $html = <>;
    $html =~ s/ style='[^']*'//g;
    print $html;


A one liner would be:

$ perl -e 'local $/; $_ = <>; s/ style=\047[^\047]*\047//g; print' fileA > fileB