Maven: Could Not find Artifact when trying to include a project in another one using dependencies

Do a mvn clean install.
This will clean whatever created from the previous build, then build your project and add the jars to your local maven repository (.m2\repository)

I also faced the same problem...................Issue got resolved
Do a maven clean and install of the child project and then try

maven clean and install of parent project.

For reference watch these videos

I was facing the same issue, I had a parent project that would fail on the Clean Install of a dependent project.

I tried all of the above solutions to no avail, running clean install both in eclipse and from command line.

I was able to solve by navigating to the Child Project and Running the following

  1. Cleaning the project mvn clean
  2. Setting as eclipse project mvn eclipse:eclipse (this forced download of missing jars)
  3. Follow by clean install of Child project mvn clean install -U
  4. Finally clean install on parent project mvn clean install -DskipTests -P(if necessary a profile here) -U

This helped when maven was not downloading jar's properly listed in the pom.xml, I was not able to find why clean install with Update Snapshots/etc. did not download the missing jars.