md5 in bigquery

The = are due to the base64's padding. Nevertheless and according to the documentation, the output should be bytes, but instead the output is a base64 string. You could check this with the following query:

SELECT MD5("Hello World") AS MD5,TO_HEX(MD5("Hello World")) AS BYTES,TO_BASE64(FROM_HEX(TO_HEX(MD5("Hello World")))) as BASE64

With the following output:

Row |MD5                        |BYTES                              |BASE64  
1   |sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q==   |b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5   |sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q=

You need to use TO_HEX to get the representation you want as md5 returns BYTES and you need strings:

TO_HEX: Converts a sequence of BYTES into a hexadecimal STRING. Converts each byte in the STRING as two hexadecimal characters in the range (0..9, a..f).

select TO_HEX(md5('123456')) as hashed

