Measure Convergence Version of Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem

Here is another proof:

I'll prove that $\displaystyle a_n:=\int_\Omega f_nd\mu\longrightarrow l:=\int_\Omega fd\mu$ as $n$ tends to $\infty$.

By a very useful fact in Analysis, it's enough to prove that for each subsequence of $\{a_n\}$ like $\{a_{n_k}\}$, there is a subsequence of $\{a_{n_k}\}$ like $\{a_{n_{k_l}}\}$ which converges to $l$.

Now, given a subsequence $\{a_{n_k}\}$, we have $$f_{n_k}\xrightarrow[]{\;\mu\;}f.\tag{I}$$

By this fact, there exists a subsequence of $\{f_{n_k}\}$ like $\{f_{n_{k_l}}\}$ which $$f_{n_{k_l}}\xrightarrow{\;a.e\;}f.\tag{II}$$ (Note that for $\text{(II)}$ we should have assumed that $\Omega$ is of finite measure, however we can get rid of it as @Leo Lerena pointed in the comments.)

Since $\{f_{n_{k_l}}\}$ is dominated by function $g\in\mathcal{L}^1(\Omega,\mu)$, by the original version of $LDCT$, $$\int_\Omega f_{n_{k_l}}\xrightarrow{\;a.e\;}\int_\Omega f.\tag{III}$$ That is : $$a_{n_{k_l}}\xrightarrow{n\rightarrow\infty}l \tag*{$\square$.}$$


The technique of using subsequences, rather than sequences, is one of the most powerful tools of proof !

Call $(X,\cal F,\mu)$ the involved measure space. Let $g$ integrable such that $|f_n(x)|\leqslant g(x)$ for almost every $x$.

As $g$ is integrable, denote $X':=\{g\neq 0\}=\bigcup_{n\geqslant 1}\{x,|g(x)|>n^{-1}\}$. Then $X'$ with the induced measure is $\sigma$-finite. Applying this version of dominated convergence theorem, we get that $$\int_{X'}fd\mu=\lim_{n\to +\infty}\int_{X'}f_nd\mu.$$ As $X\setminus X'=\{g=0\}\subset \{f=0\}\cup\bigcap_{n\geqslant 1}\{f_n=0\}$, we have $\int_{X'}fd\mu=\int_Xfd\mu$.

So fore each $n$, $\int_{X\setminus X'}fd\mu=\int_{X\setminus X'}f_nd\mu=0$, giving the wanted result.