Merge and interleave two arrays in Ruby

This won't give a result array in the order Chris asked for, but if the order of the resulting array doesn't matter, you can just use a |= b. If you don't want to mutate a, you can write a | b and assign the result to a variable.

See the set union documentation for the Array class at

This answer assumes that you don't want duplicate array elements. If you want to allow duplicate elements in your final array, a += b should do the trick. Again, if you don't want to mutate a, use a + b and assign the result to a variable.

In response to some of the comments on this page, these two solutions will work with arrays of any size.

You can do that with:

s.inject(a, :<<)

s   #=> ["and", "&"]
a   #=> ["Cat", "Dog", "Mouse", "and", "&"]

It doesn't give you the order you asked for, but it's a nice way of merging two arrays by appending to the one.

If you don't want duplicate, why not just use the union operator :

new_array = a | s


