Merge multiple lines into one using Sublime Text

A single command shortcut for merging multiple lines into 1 is "join lines".

  • Command + Shift + J on the Mac to join lines.
  • CTRL + Shift + J on Windows
  • Edit > Lines > Join Lines

Important note: This keyboard shortcut changed in versions of sublime text released after around mid-2021. For older versions, use Command + J, or CTRL + J.

Another approach is seen in the demo animations on Using multiple selections, Ctrl+Shift+L is used to split a selection into lines, and each line is then edited simultaneously. end + del will then remove all line breaks. This can be seen in slide 2/6 at

I think that, in the demo, he presses Del, with the cursor at the end of the line, in multiple selection. This way the \n is removed in every selected line.