Merging two pandas dataframes results in "duplicate" columns
The reason you have additional columns with suffixes '_x' and '_y' is because the columns you are merging do not have matching values so this clash produces additional columns. In that case you need to drop the additional '_y' columns and rename the '_x' columns:
In [145]:
# define our drop function
def drop_y(df):
# list comprehension of the cols that end with '_y'
to_drop = [x for x in df if x.endswith('_y')]
df.drop(to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
key dept_name_x res_name_x year_x need holding \
0 DeptA_ResA_2015 DeptA ResA 2015 1 1
1 DeptA_ResA_2016 DeptA ResA 2016 1 1
2 DeptA_ResA_2017 DeptA ResA 2017 1 1
no_of_inv inv_cost_wo_ice
0 1 1000000
1 0 0
2 0 0
In [146]:
# func to rename '_x' cols
def rename_x(df):
for col in df:
if col.endswith('_x'):
df.rename(columns={col:col.rstrip('_x')}, inplace=True)
key dept_name res_name year need holding no_of_inv \
0 DeptA_ResA_2015 DeptA ResA 2015 1 1 1
1 DeptA_ResA_2016 DeptA ResA 2016 1 1 0
2 DeptA_ResA_2017 DeptA ResA 2017 1 1 0
0 1000000
1 0
2 0
EDIT If you added the common columns to your merge then it shouldn't produce the duplicated columns unless the matches on those columns do not match:
merge_df = pd.merge(holding_df, invest_df, on=['key', 'dept_name', 'res_name', 'year'], how='left').fillna(0)
Not exactly the answer, but pd.merge
provides an argument to help you decide which suffixes should be added to your overlapping columns:
merge_df = pd.merge(holding_df, invest_df, on='key', how='left', suffixes=('_holding', '_invest')).fillna(0)
More meaningful names could be helpful if you decide to keep both (or to check why the columns are kept).
See documentation for more reference.
I have the same problem with duplicate columns after left joins even when the columns' data is identical. I did a query and found out that NaN values are considered different even if both columns are NaN in pandas 0.14. BUT once you upgrade to 0.15, this problem disappears, which explains why it later works for you, you probably upgraded.