Minecraft castle fractal
Jelly, 43 36 35 bytes
ḶṚ3*µ5B¤xЀṁ€Ṁ×\Ṛ©1,‘xS$¤ṁ×®ị“*# ”Y
Just a start, I'm sure this could be shorter.
Try it online!
*For n > 5, your browser might wrap the output but if you copy-paste it into a non-wrapping editor, you will see the proper output.
ḶṚ3*µ5B¤xЀṁ€Ṁ×\Ṛ©1,‘xS$¤ṁ×®ị“*# ”Y Input: integer n
Ḷ Create the range [0, n)
Ṛ Reverse it
3* Raise 3 to the power of each
µ Begin a new monadic chain on the powers of 3
5B¤ Nilad. Get the binary digits of 5 = [1, 0, 1]
xЀ Duplicate each of [1, 0, 1] to a power of 3 times
Ṁ Get the maximum of the powers of 3
ṁ€ Reshape each to a length of that value
×\ Cumulative products
Ṛ© Reverse and save the result
1,‘xS$¤ Niladic chain.
1 Start with 1
‘ Increment it
, Pair them to get [1, 2]
$ Operate on [1, 2]
S Sum it to get 3
x Repeat each 3 times to get [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
ṁ Reshape that to the saved table
×® Multiply elementwise with the saved table
ị“*# ” Use each to as an index to select from "*# "
Y Join using newlines
Return and print implicitly
JavaScript (ES7), 132 125 bytes
n=>[...Array(n)].map((_,i)=>[...Array(3**~-n)].map((_,j)=>/1/.test((j/3**i|0).toString(3))?" ":`*#`[j/3+i&1]).join``).join`\n`
Where \n
represents the literal newline characer. ES6 version for 141 bytes:
n=>[...Array(n)].map((_,i)=>[...Array(Math.pow(3,n-1))].map((_,j)=>/1/.test((j*3).toString(3).slice(0,~i))?" ":`*#`[j/3+i&1]).join``).join`
<input type=number min=1 oninput=o.textContent=f(+this.value)><pre id=o>
Python 2, 142 138 136 bytes
def f(n):
for i in r(n+1):
for k in r(3**i):s+="#*"[(6+d-1+k*(d*2-1))%6<3]
exec"s+=len(s)*' '+s;"*(n-i);print s
This is the piece of code from here, and then edited for this challenge.
Will post an explanation later.
Also, BTW, two spaces are tabs.
Edit 1: 4 bytes saved thanks to @DJMcMayhem.
Edit 2: 2 bytes saved thanks to @daHugLenny.