Missing Maven Plugin Jetty

Check if it works after adding the following in settings.xml as documented.


Also note that there are two different versions of the plugin - the older maven-jetty-plugin and the newer jetty-maven-plugin.

The instructions at (http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/jetty-maven-plugin.html) say to put the version as ${project.version} which is wrong! Also, the older documentation has the groupId set to org.codehaus.mojo it should be set to org.eclipse.jetty.

I added a real version from the jetty repo (http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-maven-plugin/) and changed the groupId.


Make sure you are executing command 'mvn jetty:run', from inside your project directory. If you will listed the current directory you should see the pom.xml.

If you are in not in your project and running 'mvn jetty:run', will get Error "Missing Maven Plugin Jetty"


Hope it will help

Did you add the plugin to the pom.xml? A quick google search found this:


Found here: http://mojo.codehaus.org/jetty-maven-plugin/usage.html