Missing Styles when loading KML file into Openlayers created in Google Earth

The CascadingStyle tag isn't supported, but this works

<Style id="__managed_style_25EBAAC82614827EFCCB">
            <hotSpot x="64" y="128" xunits="pixels" yunits="insetPixels"/>
<Style id="__managed_style_14CDD4276C14827EFCCB">
            <hotSpot x="64" y="128" xunits="pixels" yunits="insetPixels"/>

So, finally I came up with the following solution as the OL Parser does not support cascadingStyle Tag:

function removeBadTags (rawSource) {
    let result = rawSource;

    // remove "cascadingStyle" Tags
    result = rawSource.replace(/<.*?cascadingstyle.*?kml:id="(.+)">\s*<style>/gmi, (a, b) => {
        return "<Style id=\"" + b + "\">";
    result = result.replace(/<\/Style>\s*<\/.*?cascadingstyle>/gmi, "</Style>");

    // ... remove more tags eventually

    return result;

Most likely not the most solid and elegant solution, however, it seems to work.