Modern Equivalent of Visual Studio 6 "Depends" utility

Umm, .NET Reflector?

Edit: To find detailed information on the assemblies required by a given assembly, load the assembly into Reflector, and expand the namespace. You should see the assembly name listed. Expand that and you will see "References". Expand References to view the assemblies required. Selecting one of those will give version and name info below.

Hope that helps.

The FusionLog utilities should help you track down what assemblies are being looked for and where it was searching for and finding them, or not. It will also tell you the version being searched for. (And it comes as part of the .NET SDK)

The best equivalent of depends.exe for .NET, i.e. a tool that shows what assemblies are loaded at runtime (as opposed to Reflector's static(?) analysis) is the MS Assembly Binding Log Viewer (or fuslogvw among friends :)

It logs all assembly loading infomation - including dinamically loaded assemblies.

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