Monge Ampere equations
Kołodziej's and Klimek's books are very good, and Demailly's online book also has useful material. You can also try with Zbigniew Błocki's lecture notes
This classical paper of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-Spruck is also a must!
For the case of compact Kähler manifolds, apart from Błocki's notes above, I would also recommend Siu's book and this Asterisque book in French.
Klimek's book is a good starting point for the theory in $\mathbb{C}^n$. For manifolds, go to:
Kołodziej, Sławomir The complex Monge-Ampère equation and pluripotential theory. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 178 (2005), no. 840, x+64 pp.
Though it doesn't focus exclusively on complex Monge-Ampere equations, I learnt a lot from Gilbarg and Trudinger's book "Elliptic pdes of second order".