MongoDB C# Driver Create Index

The new way in the MongoDB 2.7 driver is to do the following:

var notificationLogBuilder = Builders<NotificationLog>.IndexKeys;
var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel<NotificationLog>(notificationLogBuilder.Ascending(x => x.TimestampUtc));

// .NET Full framwork:
await IMongoCollection.Indexes
                      .CreateOneAsync(indexModel, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

// .NET Core:
await IMongoCollection.Indexes
                      .CreateOneAsync(indexModel, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

There is a not type safe method for a BsonDocument with the index options here:

var indexBuilder = Builders<BsonDocument>.IndexKeys;
var keys = indexBuilder.Ascending("timestamp");
var options = new CreateIndexOptions
    Name = "expireAfterSecondsIndex",
    ExpireAfter = TimeSpan.MaxValue
var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel<BsonDocument>(keys, options);

// .NET full framework
await collection.Indexes
                .CreateOneAsync(indexModel, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

// .NET Core
await collection.Indexes
                .CreateOneAsync(indexModel, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);