Mongoose: Count removed documents

I tried this with latest version of mongoose, and it did not work. As the second parameter comes back as operation result, not just count. Used as below, it worked :

            myId: req.myId
        }, function(err, removeResult) {
            if (err) {
            if (removeResult.result.n == 0) {
                console.log("Record not found");
            Console.log("Deleted successfully.");

Mongoose < 4, MongoDB < 3

The second parameter to the remove callback is a number containing the number of documents removed.

MyModel.remove({_id: myId}, function(err, numberRemoved) {
  if(numberRemoved === 0) next(new Error("ID was not found."));

Mongoose 4.x, MongoDB 3.x

The second parameter passed to the remove callback is now an object with the result.n field indicating the count of removed documents:

MyModel.remove({_id: myId}, function(err, obj) {
  if(obj.result.n === 0) next(new Error("ID was not found."));