Mouse arrow symbol

I couldn't find it in and was also unsuccessul with Detexify (, so I guess it is not there as a predefined symbol. But you can just download this symbol (e.g., from and use it with \includegraphics.

I worked out a pointer for you. You may visit following:

Open latex2.tex file and then compile.

This is \mpoint .

Here, I have called a sty file. Which is very simple. May be upgraded more.


and two image files - point.pdf and point.eps

Final out put is as enter image description here

Hope this will help you.

You can also add one with a simple TikZ drawing.

\RequirePackage{luatex85} % LuaTeX fix for standalone


  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4, line join=round]
    \draw [rotate=20.9245] (-1.5pt, 0pt) -- ++(up:5pt) -- ++(-5pt, -2pt) -- ++(6.5pt, 17pt)
                      -- ++(6.5pt, -17pt) -- ++(-5pt, 2pt) -- ++(down:5pt) -- cycle;

You can use the resulting pdf with \includegraphics{...}
enter image description here

Or use the code directly in your text:

\RequirePackage{luatex85} % LuaTeX fix for standalone


  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4, line join=round]
    \draw [rotate=20.9245] (-1.5pt, 0pt) -- ++(up:5pt) -- ++(-5pt, -2pt) -- ++(6.5pt, 17pt)
                      -- ++(6.5pt, -17pt) -- ++(-5pt, 2pt) -- ++(down:5pt) -- cycle;

  Click me \raisebox{-5pt}{\mouse} OK

Which gives:
enter image description here

The rotation angle is calculated from the ++(6.5pt, 17pt) using

