Multiple references to the same footnote inside a table environment

You could use my answer to the same question and use \footref provided by scrextend (part of the KOMA-Script bundle). This is at least working partially. For reasons I haven't figured out yet the hyperlink from \footref inside the table links to the table caption, though, instead of the footnote. I don't know if that is a failure of scrextend or hyperref

% call `scrextend' before `hyperref'!


This is a paragraph\footnote{\label{first}some footnote}.

This is another paragraph\footnote{\label{second}another footnote}.

This is another paragraph using the first footnote\footref{first}.

\caption{A table}
  E\footnote{\label{1sttablefoot}Some table footnote} &
  F\footref{1sttablefoot} &
  G \footnote{Another table footnote} \\
  1 & 2 & 3 \\


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