Multiples arrow branching out from a node to different nodes
Like this?
The main question was how to make multiple joins to other nodes from a single point. The syntax used was:
\draw [arrow] (goal.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs);
This means, draw a 5mm long horizontal line from goal.east
to the right and from this point start a vertical+horizontal path to inputs
center stopping at inputs
Some other changes applied to the original code:
- replaced use of
package bytext width
option. - replaced
: see Should \tikzset or \tikzstyle be used to define TikZ styles? - replaced old
right of
syntax by newright = of
library - build the figure from right to left. Right nodes have been placed before left ones to simplify alignment.
The complete code is:
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3mm,
rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm,
minimum height=3cm, text width=2.5cm,
align=center, draw=black, fill=white
rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=8cm,
minimum height=1cm, text width=7.5cm,
align=center, draw=black, fill=white
\node (inputs) [inputs] {System Boundary - Cradle-to-grave};
\node (inputs1) [inputs, below = of inputs] {Functional Unit - 1$m^2$ Gross Floor Area};
\node (inputs2) [inputs, below = of inputs1] {Building Lifespan - 50 years};
\node (inputs3) [inputs, below = 1cm of inputs2] {Building materials data};
\node (inputs4) [inputs, below = of inputs3] {Transportation data};
\node (inputs5) [inputs, below = of inputs4] {Construction data};
\node (inputs6) [inputs, below = of inputs5] {Operational data};
\node (inputs7) [inputs, below = of inputs6] {Maintenance data};
\node (inputs8) [inputs, below = of inputs7] {End-of-life data};
\node (inputs9) [inputs, below = 1cm of inputs8] {CML2 Baseline 2000 for midpoint indicator};
\node (inputs10) [inputs, below = 1cm of inputs9] {Sensitivity analysis for transportation distance and data quality};
\node (inputs11) [inputs, below = of inputs10] {Data validation by comparing results with literatures and local industry practice recommendations};
\node (inputs12) [inputs, below = of inputs11] {Recommendations and conclusions};
\node (goal) [Goal, left=1cm of inputs1] {Goal \& Scope Definition};
\path (inputs5.west)-- coordinate (aux) (inputs6.west);
\node (Inventory) [Goal, left = 1cm of aux] {Inventory Analysis};
\node (Impact Assessment) [Goal, left=1cm of inputs9] {Impact\\Assessment};
\node (Interpretation) [Goal, left=1cm of inputs11] {Interpretation};
\draw [arrow] (goal) -- (Inventory);
\draw [arrow] (Inventory) -- (Impact Assessment);
\draw [arrow] (Impact Assessment) -- (Interpretation);
\draw [arrow] (goal.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs);
\draw [arrow] (goal.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs1);
\draw [arrow] (goal.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs2);
\foreach \i in {3,...,8}
\draw [arrow] (Inventory.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs\i);
\draw [arrow] (Impact Assessment.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs9);
\foreach \i in {10,11,12}
\draw [arrow] (Interpretation.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (inputs\i);
I hope this helps:
You can plan with the length of the box placements to get the image you want:
\tikzstyle{b} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=3cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{l} = [draw, -latex',thick]
\node [b] (A) {A};
\node [b, below=of A] (B) {B};
\node [b, right=3cm of A] (F) {F};
\node [b, right=3cm of A, below=of F] (G) {G};
\node [b, right=3cm of A, below=of G] (H) {H};
\node [b, below=of B] (C) {C};
\path [l] (A) -- (B);
\path [l] (A) -- (F);
\path [l] (B) -- (C);
\path [l] (A.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (H);
\path [l] (A.east) --++(0:5mm)|- (G);
this gives: