mutate with case_when and contains
Wanted to add some examples using str_detect
with a paste0
function that would also make concatenating common groups a cinch. Say you're working with gapminder or an other country df.
interest <- c("Austria", "Belgium", "Bulgaria", "Croatia", "Cyprus",
"Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Estonia", "Finland",
"France", "Germany", "Greece", "Hungary", "Ireland",
"Italy", "Latvia", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg","Malta",
"The Netherlands", "Poland","Portugal", "Romania",
"Slovakia", "Slovenia","Spain", "Sweden","United Kingdom")
EU <- paste0(countrycode::countryname(
sourcevar = interest, destination = "iso2c"),
sep = "|", collapse = "")
str_detect(Country, "AT|BE|BG|HR|CY|CZ|DK|EE|FI|FR|DE|GR|HU|IE|
TRUE ~ "Not EU")) ```
You'll need to load `library(magittr)` to get `%<>%` the compound pipe to work, it's basically an abbreviation of `df<-funs(df)`
We can use grep
df %>%
mutate(group = case_when(grepl("Bl", b) ~ "Group1",
grepl("re", b, = TRUE) ~"Group2"))
# a b group
#1 1 Black Group1
#2 2 Green Group2
#3 3 Green Group2
#4 4 Green Group2
#5 5 Red Group2
#6 6 Green Group2
#7 7 Black Group1
#8 8 Black Group1
#9 9 Green Group2
#10 10 Green Group2
#11 1 Green Group2
#12 2 Green Group2
#13 3 Blue Group1
#14 4 Red Group2
#15 5 Blue Group1
#16 6 Red Group2
#17 7 Blue Group1
#18 8 Blue Group1
#19 9 Black Group1
#20 10 Black Group1