MVC Jquery go to controller action

Well, all good response so far, but using a magic string for building url just gives me the chills. I prefer to add an extension like this:

public static string GetUrl(this HtmlHelper, helper, string Action, string Controller, object RouteValues)
    UrlHelper Url = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
    return Url.Action(Action, Controller, RouteValues);

and then in my js code use:

location.href = '@Html.GetUrl("Action", "Controller", new { foo=Model.Foo })';

It's more consistent, internally cares about routing, and gives me a centralized point where doing nasty things on Urls :)

Well, one more thing,

window.location = "whatever";

is good and works, still

location.href = "whatever"; 

is preferreable.


window.location.href = "/{controller}/{action}" //in your case, /employee/empl

This works because of the routes specified in your Global.asax.cs file. I suggest you read up on how this works as it's one of the fundamentals of MVC....