.Net Core 2.0 Database First Approach Scaffold-DbContext of Mysql DB

After digging i found that .Net Core 2.0 Mysql Connector is not working properly and after some search and RnD i found Pomelo Foundation from Stack overflow i tried it and it works.

Taking a look at the official sourcecode for the MySQL Connector for .Net, you can see that it's not complete yet due to this:

public DatabaseModel Create(string connectionString, 
    IEnumerable<string> tables, IEnumerable<string> schemas)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

You may want to open up a bug report on the official bug tracker.

Alternatively, there does seem to be a much newer beta version that you could look at trying. https://www.nuget.org/packages/MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore/8.0.9-dmr