Newgeometry and afterpage don't adjust the geometry

enter image description here

%please, no:-)\usepackage{afterpage}

afterpage puts it argument in a group and then (most of) the settings of \newgeometry don't work as you can see here:

{\newgeometry{bottom=1cm}} %bottom ignored


After searching the entire internet for a solution (the ones listed here did not work for my setup), I finally came up with this one:

%setup your default geometry:
\usepackage[a4paper, left=2.3cm, right=2.3cm, bottom=2.0cm, top=3.0cm]{geometry}

%use this package to get the "on-every-page-do-this-Hook" below


%this line registers the reset-hook:

%and this line sets your special geometry which is cleared by the hook above on page N (with N=2 in this case)
\newgeometry{left=2.3cm, right=1.7cm, bottom=2.0cm, top=9.7cm}


After wrapping up my proposal to a compilable example spanning several pages with lorem-ipsum-text I found it actually not working properly!

So, instead, the afterpage-package in combination with \globaldefs=1 seems like the way to go here:

\afterpage{\globaldefs=1 \newgeometry{bottom=1cm}}