ngrok ERR_NGROK_702 Too Many Connections
Use Localtunnel insted of ngrok.
You don't have to change the URL every time.
1) npm install -g localtunnel
2) lt --port 8081 --subdomain "your desired domain name"
eg: lt --port 8081 --subdomain myshopifyapp
You can use it's self hosted open source ngrok alternative.
Right now the tunnel provider (ngrok) has a limit of the number of connections or resources loaded in a given time. So, if you have a page with a lot of links to images, stylesheets, or scripts, you can go through the limit quickly.
Improving Live Links is something that we are wanting to do and are still working through the best way of going about this.
In the meantime, you have a couple of options:
Make use of a plugin to minify and/or lazy load assets so that the total number of assets is reduced for the various pages. Autoptimize 2 should help with this or a more advanced caching plugin like WP Rocket would also help.
Deploy a version of the site to a Demo site so that there aren’t any limits on the number of assets that are downloaded
Just wait 1 minute or two and refresh. Optimize the number of connections made to the service or else pay to avoid this limitation.