No keyboard input in Qt Creator after update to Qt5

~]$ /usr/local/bin/xca

xkbcommon: ERROR: failed to add default include path /usr/share/X11/xkb Qt: Failed to create XKB context! Use QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT environmental variable to provide an additional search path, add ':' as separator to provide several search paths and/or make sure that XKB configuration data directory contains recent enough contents, to update please see .

sudo apt-get install xkb-data (xkeyboard-config)

has solved my problem (no input from keyboard)

It is apparently a known bug, some messages and posts talks about this issue on the Internet.

Maybe try this, from

Opening Qt5 applications from backports (or self compiled against backported Qt5) have some trouble finding XCB data:

$ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/quick/d ialogs/systemdialogs/systemdialogs xkbcommon: ERROR: failed to add default include path auto Qt: Failed to create XKB context! Use QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT environmental variable to provide an additional search path, add ':' as separator to provide several search paths and/or make sure that XKB configuration data directory contains recent enough contents, to update please see .

Applications run fine, but can't get input from the keyboard.

As the warning points out, setting the environment variable fixes it:

export QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/usr/share/X11/xkb

So, try to run qtcreator with the folowing command:

export QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/usr/share/X11/xkb && qtcreator


Qt Creator
