"No matching benchmarks" when running JMH from main in eclipse

jmh-dev@ is a better way to communicate this with the developers.

Few things to try:

  1. Hijacking Main is probably not a good idea. Use Java API instead, like this sample.
  2. Use -v extra to debug the pattern matching: either the filter regexp is incorrect, or there are no benchmarks to run.
  3. If the regexp is incorrect, fix it.
  4. If there are no benchmarks to match against, then there is a chance resources are not generated and/or picked up properly. Make sure target/classes/ is also available on classpath.

Okay, so looks like by default jmh looks for generated classes under META-INF/Microbenchmarks, which maven build puts under root of the project. However root of the eclipse project is not on the classpath, so executing it in IDE results in "no benchmarks found".

I got it running following way:

  1. mvn clean package (using external maven installation, not embded in eclipse)
  2. Right-click on jmh-samples project, select "Build Path -> Use as a source folder"
  3. You can now run any of the benchmarks from jmh-samples as Java Application in eclipse

On the downside you get like 1000+ "errors" in Problems view, since eclipse gets confused with auto-generated files, but oh well, at least it works.