no visible @interface for UIImageView declares the selector sd_setShowActivityIndicatorView and sd_setIndicatorStyle is not detected

I figured it out now, Well I have to import #import "UIView+WebCache.h" too along with others then i have used following:

[cell.cellImgView sd_setShowActivityIndicatorView:YES];
[cell.cellImgView sd_setShowActivityIndicatorView:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];

Also, I removed the SDWebImage folder, what i used to integrate manually, then I have installed it through `POD' again, and now it is working as i wanted.

For anybody who has this issue in 2019

sd_setShowActivityIndicatorView has been removed in SDWebImage v5

Use this instead

imageView1.sd_imageIndicator = SDWebImageActivityIndicator.gray
imageView2.sd_imageIndicator = SDWebImageProgressIndicator.`default`
imageView2.sd_imageIndicator = SDWebImageActivityIndicator.medium //large, small, gray ...

I migrate to version 4.0.


#import <SDWebImage/UIView+WebCache.h>