NoClassDefFoundError ErrorCoded

Something in your build is pulling in a dependency on spring-test 4.3.x (not sure what minor release, but it shouldn't be relevant.)

The reason I say this is because the line numbers in the stack trace do not align with the line numbers in the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class in the 5.x releases.

From your stack trace:

at o.s.t.c.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.createTest(

That indicates that at line 227 there should be a call to a createTest method. You can see that this is true in the 4.3.x branch version of this class.

But in the 5.0.x branch version, line 227 is instead a call to getTestContextManager().prepareTestInstance(testInstance);.

This is pretty conclusive. So if your IDE is telling you otherwise (as you indicated in another comment), it is wrong. Or you might need to do a 'clean' on your project, if the IDE supports that functionality.

Since you did not post your full pom it is not possible to tell you what is pulling in the old dependency. However, you should be able to figure it out by using the Maven dependency plugin:

mvn dependency:tree

This command will print the dependency hierarchy in tree form. I recommend redirecting output to file and grepping for spring-test. That will allow you to identify the problematic dependency and use a maven <exclusion> to disallow the problematic dependency.