node app fails to run on mojave: ReferenceError: internalBinding is not defined

Try updating natives to the latest version. This commit seems to resolve the issue you're having.

In my case, the issue was with the node_modules installation, so do the following.

  • Perform a yarn audit
  • Check if you have any critical vulnerabilities
  • Either upgrade the version of the module or search for an alternative module.
  • yarn install
  • You should be good to go

Note: Issue was not with the node version in my case it was just a vulnerable module(gulp-angular-templatecache). I also suggest you do npm upgrade and npm rebuild if the above method doesn't work.

npm audit doesn't work with private repositories but yarn audit does.

I downgraded Node version from 10.15.0(LTS) to 10.10.0. And this fixed internalBinding error for me.

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 10.10.0