Non-breaking space in \citet using natbib?

Looks like \NAT@spacechar needs to be redefined:



% \def\NAT@spacechar{\ }% OLD
\def\NAT@spacechar{~}% NEW


  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},


Let's test if author and citation number end up in different lines: \citet{a01}.



Since \NAT@spacechar is used, this redefinition prevents such breaks:


This could affect also places where a break could be desired. Thus, an easy way for your rare occasions would be to use just \mbox around the citation:

... in the paper \mbox{\citet{interesting}}.

lockstep and Stefan Kottwitz suggest redefining \NAT@spacechar. That may have worked at one time, but I find that it no longer works now, seven years later, using natbib 2010/09/13 8.31b (PWD, AO) from TeXLive 2016. A comment from @penelope also mentions that this approach was no longer working as of mid-2014.

The following strategy does work for me as of now. Add the following to your document preamble somewhere after \usepackage{natbib}:


The key piece of this is the \nolinebreak{}[, which discourages LaTeX from breaking a line before the [ that starts a group of bracketed citation numbers. The remaining arguments to \bibpunct merely replicate the standard punctuation for bracketed, numbered citations.

Note that the {} immediately after \nolinebreak is not really an empty argument to \nolinebreak. Rather, it simply prevents \nolinebreak from mistaking the following [ for the start of an optional argument. That being said, \nolinebreak does accept an optional argument that determines how strongly a break should be discouraged. So you could instead use something like \bibpunct{\nolinebreak[0][}{]}{,}{n}{}{,} to make the no-break directive merely a mild request, all the way up to \bibpunct{\nolinebreak[4][}{]}{,}{n}{}{,} for a strict demand. The latter is equivalent to the default treatment you get if you use the \bibpunct{\nolinebreak{}[}{]}{,}{n}{}{,} form I suggested initially.