Objective-C: difference between id and void *
void *
means "a reference to some random chunk o' memory with untyped/unknown contents"
means "a reference to some random Objective-C object of unknown class"
There are additional semantic differences:
Under GC Only or GC Supported modes, the compiler will emit write barriers for references of type
, but not for typevoid *
. When declaring structures, this can be a critical difference. Declaring iVars likevoid *_superPrivateDoNotTouch;
will cause premature reaping of objects if_superPrivateDoNotTouch
is actually an object. Don't do that.attempting to invoke a method on a reference of
void *
type will barf up a compiler warning.attempting to invoke a method on an
type will only warn if the method being called has not been declared in any of the@interface
declarations seen by the compiler.
Thus, one should never refer to an object as a void *
. Similarly, one should avoid using an id
typed variable to refer to an object. Use the most specific class typed reference you can. Even NSObject *
is better than id
because the compiler can, at the least, provide better validation of method invocations against that reference.
The one common and valid use of void *
is as an opaque data reference that is passed through some other API.
Consider the sortedArrayUsingFunction: context:
method of NSArray
- (NSArray *)sortedArrayUsingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context;
The sorting function would be declared as:
NSInteger mySortFunc(id left, id right, void *context) { ...; }
In this case, the NSArray merely passes whatever you pass in as the context
argument to the method through as the context
argument. It is an opaque hunk of pointer sized data, as far as NSArray is concerned, and you are free to use it for whatever purpose you want.
Without a closure type feature in the language, this is the only way to carry along a hunk of data with a function. Example; if you wanted mySortFunc() to conditionally sort as case sensitive or case insensitive, while also still being thread-safe, you would pass the is-case-sensitive indicator in the context, likely casting on the way in and way out.
Fragile and error prone, but the only way.
Blocks solve this -- Blocks are closures for C. They are available in Clang -- http://llvm.org/ and are pervasive in Snow Leopard (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Performance/Reference/GCD_libdispatch_Ref/GCD_libdispatch_Ref.pdf).
id is a pointer to an objective C object, where as void* is a pointer to anything.
id also turns off warnings related to calling unknown mthods, so for example:
[(id)obj doSomethingWeirdYouveNeverHeardOf];
will not give the usual warning about unknown methods. It will, of course, raise an exception at run time unless obj is nil or really does implement that method.
Often you should use NSObject*
or id<NSObject>
in preference to id
, which at least confirms that the object returned is a Cocoa object, so you can safely use methods like retain/release/autorelease on it.