Old JaxB and JDK8 Metaspace OutOfMemory Issue

We solved our current issue untill able to fix all occurances in our application by using the following VM-parameter:


I hope this will help others with similar issues...

Here is the solution Gary is talking about, which is better than just setting a flag (since even the JAXB guys suggest to make it singleton...)

private static Map<class<?>, JAXBContext> contextStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<class<?>, JAXBContext>();
protected static JAXBContext getContextInstance(Class<?> objectClass) throws JAXBException{
  JAXBContext context = contextStore.get(objectClass);
  if (context==null){
    context = JAXBContext.newInstance(objectClass);
    contextStore.put(objectClass, context);
  return context;

//using it like this:
JAXBContext context = getContextInstance(objectClass);

The JAXB-564 Bug + fix could be found here. Inspired by the long gone blog of scorgar