On Windows, cannot print a Medium blog post without code being cropped out
Needs a bit of postprocessing after this (or my screen's too wide) but firefox has a nice tool for screenshotting a whole page as part of its GCLI - or graphical CLI
Hit shift-f2 or go to tools -> web developer -> developer toolbar.
There, type in "screenshot filename.png --fullpage" and that takes a screenshot of what you see on the screen like this
I'd then crop the edges (I used paint.net for this) since its too wide, then print it in paint (yes paint). Go to print preview - and you can set it to print to 1 x something pages = I set 10, then decided 6 would work.
The 1 width is essential - since it basically sets/scales the width of the page
Then print to PDF, test to tweak, and print physically from the PDF once you know it works.